Slobomir P University is an institution that strives to their best students meet when it comes to paying tuition, and for this reason was established and the “Fund for talents and solidarity” which will provide 500,000 KM for high school students. This Fund will provide scholarship for students with an average 5.00 grade in the high school
In addition to these scholarships, students Slobomir University have the opportunity to apply for scholarships at the municipal, city, republic and state level, and to equally compete for the number of foreign scholarships.
The amount of tuition fees at all faculties of Slobomir P University, except at the Academy of Arts, in the first year of first cycle studies is 2,000 KM. Tuition at the Academy of Arts – Graphic Design is 3,000 KM, and at the Academy of Arts – Music is 4,330 KM.
The tuition fee includes all costs of courses and seminars organized at the University and the use of the university library.
First-year students have the option of paying tuition in ten equal monthly installments.
Slobomir P University is an institution that strives to meet the needs of its best students when it comes to paying tuition fees, which is why the “Fund for Talents and Solidarity” was established, from which certain funds are allocated for scholarships for the best high school and university students. From this Fund, 50% lower tuition fees will be provided for students with an average of 5.00 grades from high school.
Prospective students can also get the following benefits when paying tuition:
-the possibility of exercising the right to a discount when paying tuition fees by participating in high school competitions,
-paying tuition through standard student loans.
In addition to these scholarships, students Slobomir University have the opportunity to apply for scholarships at the municipal, city, republic and state level, and to equally compete for the number of foreign scholarships.