The study program was created according to the requirements of the Bologna Declaration and as such aims to educate students to acquire competencies in the field of English language and literature, Anglo-American culture and literature, as well as methodological and pedagogical sciences necessary for teaching. Students develop skills in the field of English, the ability to think critically, get trained as a professional translator and for teaching, as well as to continue their studies in master’s and doctoral studies. In addition to the required courses, students are offered a list of elective courses, grouped into optional groups of courses where they are allowed to choose courses of special interest for study in accordance with personal aspirations.
The purpose of the study program is to educate teachers of English as a foreign language, as well as professionals who are trained to work in various institutions of education, culture and economy. The study program of first-cycle academic studies of English is designed to enable students to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills for quality and professional work, but also to develop awareness of the need for continuous training in selected professional fields and responsibility for their own intellectual and professional development throughout the professional career. In the field of training for teaching, the study program, both in content and way of working on subjects, enables students to develop communication skills, cooperation, teamwork skills, responsibility, creativity and flexibility as important qualities necessary for work in education of young generations.
After attending the study program of first-cycle academic studies of English, i.e. successfully mastering all obligations and acquiring at least 240 ECTS, the student acquires the title of graduate teacher of English language and literature – 240 ECTS. This title implies the acquisition of the necessary knowledge and skills to perform work in the field of education, culture, publishing, translation, public relations, international communication and all areas that require a professional profile of experts in English language, literature and culture.